Saying “No” Can Save You Money

One of the hardest things we have to face as social beings, is passing up opportunities to try something new, experience an event or just venture out with friends and family. Marketers have developed a little known saying many of us now refer to as “FOMO,” or the fear of missing out. We are more afraid to say “no” and potentially miss something others deem important, than save our money and make the responsible decision.

It can be difficult to tell those you love that you cannot afford to do something, but that difficulty comes with the ideology that talking about money is taboo. Open conversations surrounding what is important in your life are had often, so why don’t we include our financial goals as a main topic?

How can you say no, and not make it a big deal? Here are three tips:

  1. Offer up another outing instead of just a bold-faced no
  2. Suggest a smaller outing that is half the cost―or even better, no cost. Tell them you would love to spend time with them, but that you would prefer to stay in and save money. In all honesty, it will probably remind them of their own finances. Either way, make sure they know they are still important to you.

  3. Tell them your financial goals and why you need their support
  4. This is a great way to start the money conversation between yourself and those that you trust. Try to start small by suggesting it’s best for you to save your money and work towards an upcoming goal. Make sure you let them know it’s important that you accomplish these goals and that you would love their support. From there, the reaction you get will allow you to know whether they’re comfortable discussing such topics.

  5. Be honest with them, and yourself
  6. If saying no isn’t an option, make sure you plan ahead. Your financial freedom depends on preparing for goals that provide motivation―so allow this to be an opportunity. Another reason planning ahead is important is because it can save you money. Most events offer “early-bird” incentives, or will offer up a discount if you give them a good enough reason.

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