Our Top Staycation Ideas

What is a staycation? Well, that’s easy! It’s when you stay home and pretend you’re a tourist on vacation in your city or community (and also saves you like, a ton of money).

Where do you start?

  • Just like going away, you’ll need to choose a time for your staycation. Plan it around local events that interest you and your family.
  • Once you have your dates picked, add your monthly savings to your spending plan so you’ll know exactly how much money you have for your staycation.
  • Let each person in your family say which activities they would like the family to do. You could even pick a theme for the week.
  • Check your city’s website for events, festivals and activities going on during your staycation for free or little cost.

Now for the fun part!

Here are some of Money Mentors’ top picks to do during your next staycation:

  1. Community events
  2. Most communities have events running throughout the year. It could be anything from a high school event to professional theatre. Community halls are good sources to find out what’s going on in your area.

  3. Check out the local music scene
  4. You may want to check out a rock concert or go to the opera or the symphony, depending on your musical tastes.

  5. Local sporting events
  6. Sports are a big part of most communities. Check out the high schools, colleges and universities for the best value for your sports fan dollars.

  7. Try new restaurants
  8. Is there a new Italian place in town you’ve wanted to try out? Your staycation could be the perfect time to go. Or you can buy convenience foods that take less time to cook so you can spend more time doing things around town.

  9. Be a guest for the day
  10. You could decide to book a hotel room one night and go to the spa while the kids are at the pool. Maybe they even have water slides!

  11. Watch movies or read a book
  12. Use part of your staycation to get caught up on movies or books you’ve been meaning to get to and haven’t had time.

  13. Take a course on something you’re interested in
  14. Any chance you love finance as much as us? We had a feeling! Check out some of our free online courses.

  15. Go to the nearest lake for a day
  16. While it might not be the ocean, there are probably several nice lakes within a short drive from your home. Spend a day in the sun and water.

  17. Picnic at the park
  18. Enjoy a relaxing picnic and take advantage of your city’s parks. If you’re in a bigger center, try a park on the other side of town.

  19. Give back to the community
  20. Donate your time to help with a local organization in need, community festival, or attend one to support local events.

  21. Complete home maintenance projects
  22. Use your time to work on those projects to spruce up your home that need more than a weekend to complete.

  23. Check out a local museum or attraction
  24. Visit the local tourist attractions to find out more about your community or learn about other interests like animals and science.

  25. Hire housekeeping services for a week
  26. Take a break from house cleaning and housework by hiring cleaning services for a week.

  27. Go for a bike or hike
  28. Take advantage of trails in your area by taking your bike for a tour or spend the day hiking.

  29. Contact family and friends
  30. Organize a visit or potluck with people you have been unable to get together and catch up with.

  31. Take lots of photos
  32. Seek out local landmarks, landscapes and people and be a photographer for a week.

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