A teacher helps students in high school complete the Money Mentors class Debt Decisions.

Debt Decisions for Grades 10 – 12

This interactive course invites high school students to journey through the challenging but essential world of debt management. We pull back the curtain on the risks associated with credit use, encouraging informed and responsible decisions. By distinguishing between good and bad debt, students learn to view borrowing through a strategic lens. The course extends beyond mere understanding to practical application, as we unveil proven strategies to prevent and control debt. The aim is to empower students with the ability to transform potential financial pitfalls into steppingstones towards their financial goals.

Free Online Course

Money Mentors' free online courses are available on-demand 24/7 to everyone and make it easy to learn about personal finance at your own pace. Access financial education courses online using the steps below:

New User

  1. Visit the Money Mentors portal to set up your account by clicking ‘Start Free Course’ below.
  2. Click ‘Not a member’ and enter your first name, last name, and email address and click ‘Sign Up’.
  3. You will receive a welcome email with your username and a link to the site where you will set up your password.
  4. Once in the Money Mentors portal, you can access educational modules by clicking ‘myTrailhead’ in the left navigation.
Existing User
  1. Click ‘Start Free Course’ below.
  2. Complete this course and earn a badge.
    1. Please note: if using a public computer, you need to login with your credentials each time.

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