How Jordan Paid Off $22,000 to Reach His Financial Goals
After spending years living beyond his means, Jordan knew he needed help. With unnecessarily high rent, a car loan he couldn’t afford, student loans and consumer debt continuously piling up each month―on top of multiple collection calls a day―it was time to face his financial problems head-on.
“My debt was so out of control that I had bills coming in the mail that I wasn’t even aware I had,” Jordan shook his head. “I was starting to feel depressed at how far I’d let this go. I didn’t know which route I should take or how I was going to get this monkey off my back.”
Just when he thought all hope was lost, Jordan saw an ad for Money Mentors. It was then when he had a feeling that things were going to be okay.
Starting his debt-free journey
During his first appointment with Money Mentors, Jordan knew he had made the right decision. His counsellor, Debbie, advised Jordan to sort out his other debts first and tackle payments that he could manage on his own before joining the Orderly Payment of Debts (OPD) program. Eight months later, Jordan came back feeling more financially stable and with renewed determination to start his debt-free journey.
The best part about the OPD program for Jordan was seeing his progress.
“Being able to see one monthly payment taken out of my bank account, versus multiple payments from various creditors, was truly the best feeling. I also loved that I didn’t have my landlord calling me, creditors chasing me, or collection call agents bothering me. I stopped fearing about what was next.”
Jordan credits his experience with Money Mentors to his success.
Thanks to the help from his counsellor and the many tools and resources Money Mentors provided him, Jordan feels more confident with his finances.
“I feel like I accomplished my goal of paying off my $22,000 debts because of that first meeting with Money Mentors,” Jordan said. “I’ve learned quite a few good tricks to manage my money better, rebuild my credit, and plan for my future.”
Money Mentors can change your life, too
Now that he’s focusing on future financial goals, instead of past financial mistakes, Jordan is excited to accomplish even more things that he never used to imagine possible―like saving for a new car, a house down payment, and an upcoming wedding.
“None of those dreams were possible before Money Mentors,” he exclaimed, “But now they’re happening and it feels great. The OPD program changed my life and the way I think about money, for the better.”
Jordan is now encouraging some of his friends to take a good look at their money and learn more about their finances. Coming from first-hand experience, he understands that debt can affect people in different ways―particularly mentally and physically, leading people to not feel like themselves.
“Money Mentors isn’t a sales tactic; it’s a solution,” Jordan said. “My life has improved dramatically since calling them and I know yours will, too.”
Money Mentors would like to thank Jordan for sharing his story. Congratulations on becoming debt-free!
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